How to Sell and Deliver High-Performance HVAC

Event Time

Originally Aired - Monday, January 22 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

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Event Location

Location: S405b


Event Information

Title: How to Sell and Deliver High-Performance HVAC

Description: What is High-Performance HVAC, and how is it different than typical service and replacement work? This information-packed session will focus on what it takes to be a High-Performance Contractor, and how you can use this differentiation in your marketplace.

The typical HVAC system performs at an average of 57% of capacity and doesn't come close to delivering the comfort it should. Dawn and Dominick will show you how to sell, and design systems that make homes safer, healthier, more comfortable, and energy efficient,

Level: Intermediate

Cost: FREE to all registered AHR Expo attendees

Type: Free Industry Sessions

Hosted By

National Comfort Institute (NCI)



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